Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sexy In Red


Sexy In Red Supplies

Plugin Used: VM Natural, DSB Flux and they both can be found on the right side of this page under " Plugins Used "

Paste frame into your psp

Copy - paste the rose and move towards the right

Image - free rotation - Direction- Right, Degrees - 90 and make sure the
" Rotate single layer around canvas center" is checked

Give your rose a drop shadow using these setting
V-3, H-3, Opacity-35, Blur-3,

Copy - paste the booty tube and move it below between the gold square and the black box

Your layers should look like below


Copy - paste your double diamond hearts and move to the upper left......or you can move them where
ever you wish

I used the single diamond heart to place over the roses. but have fun and move them where you wish.

Merge all your layers down EXCEPT your diamond hearts layers. You will need to merge all of those down
upon their own seperate layer

So you should have 2 layers now.....your diamonds and your tube,frame,rose etc.


Duplicate your diamond layer twice so that you have 3 layers

Acitvate your first layer

Effects - plugins- dsb flux - Bright Noise Filter Options and set it on " Mix" Intesity " 60 "

Next activate your middle diamond layer and repeat this step

Finally activate your 3rd diamond layer and repeat

Effects - plugin - VM Natural - Sparles, and use these settings


Activate your middle layer and using the same settings as above, except you will want to change
the random speed to 156

Activate your 3rd diamond layer and use the same settings but change the random speed to 166

Duplicate your frame layer twice so that you have 3 layers

Move one layer under each diamond layer and merge those two down

You should now have 3 layers of your frame and diamonds

Be sure you put your watermark on it if you haven't already. and make sure it has 3 layers to merge down
onto each layer.

Activate your bottom layer


Take To Animation

Paste as New Animation

Back To PSP

Activate your middle layer


Take to animation

Paste - as after current frame

Back To PSP

Activate your top layer


Take to animation

Paste - as after current frame

View your design

And save as gif

Monday, October 3, 2011



Supplies Here

Plugin used is VM Natural and you can find it in the Plugin Section to the right

Open up your frame in psp

Give it a drop shadow using these settings V-4, H-4, Opacity 40, Blur-4

Then give it another drop shadow using these settings V- -4, H- -4, Opacity-40, Blur-4

Copy - paste your woman tube into your frame and make sure it's centered, And she is the second
layer from the top, right under the frame part.

Copy - paste your penandink and move to the lower right

Give it a drop shadow using these settings V-4, H-4, Opacity 40, Blur-4

Effects - edge effects - enhance

Copy - paste your red envelope and move it to the bottom right, make sure its behind the penandink

Copy - paste your corner rose into your bottom left

Duplicate - Flip

Duplicate - Mirror

Duplicate - Flip

You should now have roses on all 4 corners, make sure your rose corner at the bottom right is in front of your envelope
and penandink

Merge all 4 rose corners down onto each other

Copy - paste your Gold n Diamond and move to the upper left

Duplicate - mirror

Merge those two layers together

Duplicate - flip

You should now have the Gold n Diamond in each corner

Merge the 2 layers down onto each other

Copy - paste your diamond into your frame and put them where ever you like, then merge
all your diamonds down onto your Gold n Diamond layer

Give your female tube a drop shadow of V-4, H-4, Opacity 40, Blur-4

Duplicate your female tube

Activate the bottom one

Effects - Distortion Effects - spikey halo and use these settings


Duplicate this layer

Image - free rotate - Direction - Left. Degrees - 90 and make sure the box Rotate single layer around canvas center
is checked

Merge your 2 distortion layers down onto each other

Close off your Gold n Diamonds and Rose corners then merge all layers down onto each other

You should now have 3 layers..1. Your Gold n Diamonds, 2. Your Roses and your frame, woman etc.

Duplicate your rose corners x2 so that you have 3 total

Activate your top rose layer

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Sparkle

Use these settings


Activate your middle rose corner layer

Repeat the above step but move the random speed to 153

Repeat the above step but change the random speed to 163

Duplicate your female layer x2 so that you have 3 layers and move one layer up under
one rose corner layer

Duplicate your Gold n Diamond x2

Activate your top layer

Effects - DSB Flux - Bright Noise and use these settings

Direction - Mix

Click OK

Repeat this step for each Gold n Diamond layer

Your layers now should look like this


Merge each Gold n Diamond layer down onto the red layer, so that you have 3 layers in all

Make sure you put your water mark on your design

Before you take it to Animation

Activate your Crop tool , up at the top select the " Snap crop rectangle to" and click the middle one
see image below, then click the green check mark at the far left.


Activate your bottom layer

Edit - copy

Take to animation

Edit - paste as new animation

Back to psp

Activate middle layer

Edit - copy

Back to animation

Edit - paste - after current frame

Back to psp

Activate top layer

Back to animation

Edit - paste - after current frame

View your design, if you're happy with it, Save as gif

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Halloween Night


I am using the beautiful artwork by Elias Chatzoudis called HocusPocus
You Can Find It Here

Halloween Supplies Here

Scrap kit called Halloween 2010 You Can Find It Here

Copy template into PSP

You can put anything you want on the signs

Copy - paste FM-Halloween element-76 and resize to 30% and move to the bottom rght

Give it a drop shadow of V-3, H-3, Opacity-30, Blur-3

Copy - paste Cauldron element 62 and resize to 30% and move to the bottom left

Give it a drop shadow of V -3, H -3, Opacity-30, Blur-3

Copy - paste Element 1 and resize 30% and move to where it hangs off the top part of the frame

Effects - edge effects - enhance

Copy - paste Element-40 and resize to 30% and move to the left side of the frame

Effects - edge effects - enhance

Copy - paste your tube and resize to 96%

Image - mirror

Now is the time to put the artist watermark on your design and yours

Merge all your layers down

We can now take it to animation if you want

Copy - paste as new animatiom and duplicate x3 so that you have 4 frames

Copy - paste your bubbles into your Animation Shop

Activate your bubbles

Edit - select all

Edit - copy

Now activate your design

Edit - select all

Edit - paste into selected frame and place the bubbles on the left hand of the cauldron


Activate your bubbles

Edit - select all

Edit - copy

Now activate your design

Edit - select all

Edit - paste into selected frame and place the bubbles on the left in the cauldron

Save as gif

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Country Girl

I am using the beautiful artwork of Jose Cano-Cowgirl, You can find his artwork Here

Supplies Here

Open up your " Country Girl Template" in Aniamation Shop

Click on the first frame

Edit - Copy

Go to PSP

Edit - paste as new layer ( this is a little trick i use )

Copy - paste your tube layer 1 of your Cano tube, resize to 90% and move over the the right like shown below


Copy - paste the wheat and move the the left like shown at the top

Copy - paste your cactus and move to the bottom left

Copy - paste the wheat and move the the left, make sure your cactus layer is above your wheat layer

Give your cactus a drop shadow using these settings, V-3, H-3, Opacity-41, Blur-4, Color-black

Copy - paste your rocks and move to the lower left...make sure this layer is above the cactus layer

Copy - paste your post and move towards the bottom

Make sure you have the artist watermark and yours

Close off your bottom layer that has the horse and then merge all other layers down upon each other

Edit - copy

Take to animation

Edit - paste as new animation

Duplicate x3 so that you have 4 frames like the Country Girl template

Edit - select all

Edit - copy

Activate your Country Girl Template and go to

Edit - select all

Edit -paste into selected frame

View your design and make sure you're happy with it

If you get confused just go by the main image at the top

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Summer Babe


I am using the beautiful artwork by Elias Chatzoudis called BeachGirl
You Can Find It Here

Supplies Here

The scrap kit i'm using i found on the net in another tutorial, I can't remember the site or the maker of the kit.. So if this is your kit PLEASE let me know and i will give you the credit for it.

New image 600x500 and flood fill with the color #1d3d6b

Open up your sg_geometric-grungframe in psp

Activate your white layer

Layers - new mask layer - from image and find your mask. Make sure " Source luminace " is checked and " Invert mask data is checked "

Right click in the layer palette and " merge group "

Layers - new raster layer and flood fill with white and move below your mask layer

Using your selection tool draw inside the box ( i find this easier )

Copy - paste your BeautifulBlueWavePTR

Go back to your mask layer and activate

Selections - invert activate and delete

Remember to put the artist copyright and your watermark on your design

You can now animate it if you like

Using your selection tool trace inside your other box like below


Copy and paste your BeautifulBlueWavePTR

Go back to your mask layer and activate

Selections - invert activate and delete

Copy - paste kokospalm and move to upper left corner

Effects - drop shadow and use these settings...V-3, H-3, Opacity-30, Blur-3, Color-Black

Mere all layers together

Copy - paste your Elias tube and resize to 80%

Move towards the middle right of the mask like shown below


Copy - paste your surfboard and resize to 70% and move to lower left of corner

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good Girl Are Boring



I am using the beautiful artwork by Elias Chatzoudis called Erika, You can find it

Copy - paste good girl gone bad frame in your psp

Copy - paste your Elias tube and position it to the bottom right corner

Copy - paste your bad girl heart in the middle towards the top, Look at the main image at the top and duplicate it
so that you have 2 layers of hearts

Effects - plugins - Dsb Flux - bright noise - intensity at 30 and Mix and give both layer of hearts noise

Activate the first layer of the heart

Effects - 3D effect - bevel and use the settings below


Repeat this step to the other layer of the heart

Duplicate your rose layer so that you have 2 layers

Effects - plugins - Dsb Flux - bright noise - intensity at 30 and Mix and give both layer of roses noise

Merge you two bottom layers and duplicate and merge your heart and roses down upon one layer of the bottom layer
Your layers should look like below


Merge you outter border onto you tube and duplicate and then merge one layer down onto your heart and rose layer
layers should look like below


Have your design say whatever it is you want...the font used is Inspiration ( which is included in the supplies )

Remember to put the artist copyright and your watermark on your design

Lets take it to animation

Activate the bottom layer

Edit - copy

Take to animation

Edit - paste - as new animation

Back to psp

Activate your second layer

Edit - copy

Take to animation

Edit - paste - after current frame

View your work...resize if need be and save as gif

Friday, July 15, 2011

Madi Gras


I am using the artwork of Jamie Kidd's " Delilah " you can find his work

I am using FM-Famous Last Words scrap kit from FANTASYMOMENTS Sraps and more it is a freebie scrap kit. However i can't find their website nor their link...The kit didn't come with TOU so if you are the owner of this kit i would be more than happy to give you the credit you so deserve.

New image 600x500 and flood fill with the color #440173

Copy - paste FM-FIW-Elemt-25 and resize to 75%

Effects - edge effects - enhance

Copy - Paste your tube and resize it to 80%

Image - mirror and move it under your frame layer

Using your eraser tool erase the parts of your tube that is sticking out over the frame like shown below


Copy - paste Element-57 and resize to 20%... Do the same for Elements- 60,57, 58, and 61 and place them around your frame like shown below

Copy - paste Element-77 and resize to 70%

Image - mirror and move to the left and place under your female layer

Your layers should look like shown below


Give all your layers a drop shadow using these settings


Copy - paste Element-45 and resize to 30% move to the bottom and angle, give it a drop shadow like shown below


Copy - paste Element-4 and resize to 70%

Using your eraser tool erase all the part that is showing inside the frame

Effects - edge effects - enhance

Merge all layers visable

Image - add borders and use the settings below


Image - add borders using the same settings but increase to 4 symmetric and use this color #bd7fc0

Repeat the same step but use this color #440173

Lets take it to animation

Edit - paste - as new animation

Duplicate your layer 9 times so that you have a total of 10 frames

Open up your twinkle in animation

Click on your twinkle

Edit - selecte all

Edit - copy

Click on your design

Edit - select all

Edit - paste into selected frame, and continue to paste your twinkles where ever you like it to blink