Scrap kit called Halloween 2010 You Can Find It Here
Copy template into PSP
You can put anything you want on the signs
Copy - paste FM-Halloween element-76 and resize to 30% and move to the bottom rght
Give it a drop shadow of V-3, H-3, Opacity-30, Blur-3
Copy - paste Cauldron element 62 and resize to 30% and move to the bottom left
Give it a drop shadow of V -3, H -3, Opacity-30, Blur-3
Copy - paste Element 1 and resize 30% and move to where it hangs off the top part of the frame
Effects - edge effects - enhance
Copy - paste Element-40 and resize to 30% and move to the left side of the frame
Effects - edge effects - enhance
Copy - paste your tube and resize to 96%
Image - mirror
Now is the time to put the artist watermark on your design and yours
Merge all your layers down
We can now take it to animation if you want
Copy - paste as new animatiom and duplicate x3 so that you have 4 frames
Copy - paste your bubbles into your Animation Shop
Activate your bubbles
Edit - select all
Edit - copy
Now activate your design
Edit - select all
Edit - paste into selected frame and place the bubbles on the left hand of the cauldron
Activate your bubbles
Edit - select all
Edit - copy
Now activate your design
Edit - select all
Edit - paste into selected frame and place the bubbles on the left in the cauldron
Save as gif
The link for the supplies isn't valid. I really wanted to do this tut.