Monday, October 3, 2011



Supplies Here

Plugin used is VM Natural and you can find it in the Plugin Section to the right

Open up your frame in psp

Give it a drop shadow using these settings V-4, H-4, Opacity 40, Blur-4

Then give it another drop shadow using these settings V- -4, H- -4, Opacity-40, Blur-4

Copy - paste your woman tube into your frame and make sure it's centered, And she is the second
layer from the top, right under the frame part.

Copy - paste your penandink and move to the lower right

Give it a drop shadow using these settings V-4, H-4, Opacity 40, Blur-4

Effects - edge effects - enhance

Copy - paste your red envelope and move it to the bottom right, make sure its behind the penandink

Copy - paste your corner rose into your bottom left

Duplicate - Flip

Duplicate - Mirror

Duplicate - Flip

You should now have roses on all 4 corners, make sure your rose corner at the bottom right is in front of your envelope
and penandink

Merge all 4 rose corners down onto each other

Copy - paste your Gold n Diamond and move to the upper left

Duplicate - mirror

Merge those two layers together

Duplicate - flip

You should now have the Gold n Diamond in each corner

Merge the 2 layers down onto each other

Copy - paste your diamond into your frame and put them where ever you like, then merge
all your diamonds down onto your Gold n Diamond layer

Give your female tube a drop shadow of V-4, H-4, Opacity 40, Blur-4

Duplicate your female tube

Activate the bottom one

Effects - Distortion Effects - spikey halo and use these settings


Duplicate this layer

Image - free rotate - Direction - Left. Degrees - 90 and make sure the box Rotate single layer around canvas center
is checked

Merge your 2 distortion layers down onto each other

Close off your Gold n Diamonds and Rose corners then merge all layers down onto each other

You should now have 3 layers..1. Your Gold n Diamonds, 2. Your Roses and your frame, woman etc.

Duplicate your rose corners x2 so that you have 3 total

Activate your top rose layer

Effects - Plugins - VM Natural - Sparkle

Use these settings


Activate your middle rose corner layer

Repeat the above step but move the random speed to 153

Repeat the above step but change the random speed to 163

Duplicate your female layer x2 so that you have 3 layers and move one layer up under
one rose corner layer

Duplicate your Gold n Diamond x2

Activate your top layer

Effects - DSB Flux - Bright Noise and use these settings

Direction - Mix

Click OK

Repeat this step for each Gold n Diamond layer

Your layers now should look like this


Merge each Gold n Diamond layer down onto the red layer, so that you have 3 layers in all

Make sure you put your water mark on your design

Before you take it to Animation

Activate your Crop tool , up at the top select the " Snap crop rectangle to" and click the middle one
see image below, then click the green check mark at the far left.


Activate your bottom layer

Edit - copy

Take to animation

Edit - paste as new animation

Back to psp

Activate middle layer

Edit - copy

Back to animation

Edit - paste - after current frame

Back to psp

Activate top layer

Back to animation

Edit - paste - after current frame

View your design, if you're happy with it, Save as gif

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