Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Country Girl

I am using the beautiful artwork of Jose Cano-Cowgirl, You can find his artwork Here

Supplies Here

Open up your " Country Girl Template" in Aniamation Shop

Click on the first frame

Edit - Copy

Go to PSP

Edit - paste as new layer ( this is a little trick i use )

Copy - paste your tube layer 1 of your Cano tube, resize to 90% and move over the the right like shown below


Copy - paste the wheat and move the the left like shown at the top

Copy - paste your cactus and move to the bottom left

Copy - paste the wheat and move the the left, make sure your cactus layer is above your wheat layer

Give your cactus a drop shadow using these settings, V-3, H-3, Opacity-41, Blur-4, Color-black

Copy - paste your rocks and move to the lower left...make sure this layer is above the cactus layer

Copy - paste your post and move towards the bottom

Make sure you have the artist watermark and yours

Close off your bottom layer that has the horse and then merge all other layers down upon each other

Edit - copy

Take to animation

Edit - paste as new animation

Duplicate x3 so that you have 4 frames like the Country Girl template

Edit - select all

Edit - copy

Activate your Country Girl Template and go to

Edit - select all

Edit -paste into selected frame

View your design and make sure you're happy with it

If you get confused just go by the main image at the top

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